You Need Something Bigger Than A Pep Talk
Everyone loves a good pep talk, right? Sometimes when it feels like you’ve been hitting the same wall over and over, the right words from the right person can make all the difference. But it doesn’t always work, does it? Sometimes, when we are too deep in our challenges - and all the feelings that come with them - that pep just can’t break through. ?
A “you-got-this” can be great, but it isn’t enough. That’s because it raises an important question - and then fails to answer it. The question is “WHY?” Why am I going to get through this? Why am I going to find a solution? Why should I trust that breakthrough is coming? Why am I going to succeed
Now, deep down, each of us knows the answers. But in the middle of our biggest challenges (and maybe even the small ones), it’s common to forget them. In essence, we forget who we are and develop a kind of temporary amnesia around our own superpowers (our strengths). So when our well-intentioned personal cheerleaders step in to help, what actually happens is this: We slam head-on into that “WHY?” And instead of getting the answer - the reminder - that we desperately need, we get a big blank.
Here’s the solution: You have to have those answers ready. So that next time you hit that “WHY?” you don’t have to face that awful blank. You will have already put the answer within easy reach. When you have those answers ready, you’ll find it much easier to stand in your power and transform your approach to your biggest challenges. And I guarantee you’ll get amazing results. “Based on decades of research, the philosophy of strengths is that individuals experience more positive outcomes when focusing on their greatest talents instead of their weaknesses.” Gallup
I cannot emphasize this enough: you are a genius. No exaggeration! You have a combination of natural talents and strengths that are unique to you. You might even already have an idea of what they are, but do you fully understand and embrace how to leverage them? Do you know how to lean all the way into them? Do you know how to apply them across multiple scenarios? And have you allowed your strengths to lead you into your zone of professional genius? Have you activated your superpowers?
Doing any of those steps requires a deliberate process of exploration, analysis, and reflection to get at the reality - not just your opinion - of your own strengths. Perhaps most of all, you’ll need the courage to follow your strengths, and embrace the changes they make in your professional future. This isn’t simply about being better at your current job. It’s about building your career by design, powered by true information about who you actually are. I know that experience first hand. When I really dug into my strengths, I learned the difference between what I can do well and who I am at my best. And now, I want to help set you on that journey.